For California Consumers

EnviroQuest International

'LA-5000' Heavy Duty Air Cleaner

Living Lightning™ Alpine
"LA-5000" Heavy Duty
Air Cleaner

Click here for product specs

If You Own or Manage a Bar, Restaurant, Beauty Salon, Print Shop, Paint Shop, Cleaning Place, or Any Other Business where constant high level indoor air pollution is becoming simply unbearable or it's already making you, your employees, or your customers sick...

Then you absolutely must have the solution - Living Lightning™ Alpine "LA-5000" Heavy Duty Commercial Air Purifier to protect your health and safeguard your employees and customers!

This Powerful NEW Technology Guarantees Immediate Results!

  • Eliminates smoke, severe odors, tobacco smoke, chemical gases, and other heavy particulate from the air.
  • Kills mold, mildew, fungi, bacteria, and viruses.
  • Reduces dust, dust mites, pet dander, pollen, or any other pollutant.
  • Quickly and effectively removes odors from small and large business establishments.
  • Instantly improves the quality of air indoors.
  • Helps prevent additional heavy particulate contamination.
  • Customizable to your environment using the controls on the front.
  • Very heavy duty, designed specifically for businesses with severe indoor air pollution.

Are you losing valuable customers and their precious referrals because of irritable odors; smoke; tobacco smoke; dust; pollen; various allergens, or some other type of indoor air pollution in your place of business? Chances are it's happening to you right now and you don't even know it, if you own or manage any of the following or similar in nature businesses:

Many businesses suffer from mild to severe indoor air pollution that results from the nature of the business itself and its day to day operations. The unfortunate side effect of this is decreased employee productivity; more work time lost due to employee illness, and of course more unhappy customers, which leads to a lot less business! In fact, most customer-focused surveys show that your customers will NOT, or a lot less likely to, visit your place of business once again if they've had an unfavorable first time impression. Even worse, most customers will not express to you how they feel, which means you may not even realize there is a big problem that needs to be solved quickly to prevent your business from losing even more customers!

The Living Lightning™ Alpine "LA-5000" Heavy Duty Air Purification System is a powerful, commercial application specifically designed to be a solution to the nagging problem of indoor air pollution within your business. By helping your business to eliminate indoor air pollution quickly and easily and maintain clean environment from there on, the superior LA-5000 air purifier will in turn help you avoid losing customers and/or employees due to an unbearable indoor contamination.

Specifically manufactured and proven perfect for tough industrial and other business applications, the commercial strength Living Lightning™ Alpine "LA-5000" Air purifier was specifically designed for businesses like yours in mind! Having earned its golden reputation for impressively quick removal of very heavy particulate contamination from indoor air, the LA-5000 is now considered to be the most powerful commercial indoor air purifier available on the market today.

As one of the industry's best performers, you can always count on this reliable air purifier to deliver great results for many long years, no matter what business you may be running! If your business environment is polluted, Living Lightning™ Alpine "LA-5000" will be an extremely valuable asset to your business! In fact, it could be priceless! If it helps you retain just 1 customer who will come back and give you business again, or will refer others to you, over the long haul what could that mean for your business financially? You will see that LA-5000 is the absolute best one-time small investment you could possibly make for your business!

The affordable Living Lightning™ Alpine "LA-5000" Heavy Duty Air Purification System is one of the few tested and proven commercial air purifiers on the market offering you a true solution to a complex problem of indoor air pollution within your business. Your LA-5000 air purifier will work quietly 24/7, helping to maintain your environment pollution-free, thus allowing you, your employees, and your customers to breathe clean-crisp air! The result of breathing pollution-free air, is reduction of headaches, sinus problems, allergies, and other respiratory problems that can often be contributed to breathing contaminated air. This naturally means increased employee productivity; less work time lost due to employee illness, and of course more business from happier customers. Just plug in your LA-5000 purifier in your place of business and sanitize the environment quickly for only pennies a day! So order it now 100% Risk-Free under our 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee!

If you haven't seen it yet, watch the short online video right now to learn how the unique Living Lightning™ Alpine Air technology works, and see the many benefits it will provide you and your family with.

Video presentation

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Living Lightning™ Alpine Air purification system

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