For California Consumers

Enter our Monthly draw to win a FREE Fresh Air LA-3500 v.2.0 Living Lightning™ Alpine Air purifier.

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Submit your name and email address to subscribe to our private, valuable Health Tips Newsletter, and your name will be entered instantly in our Monthly draw to Win a FREE Fresh Air LA-3500 v.2.0 Living Lightning™ Alpine Air purifier!
* Please use your real name as winners are required to prove their identity. Your contact information will never be sold or rented to anybody, and you can opt-out at any time.
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As a dealer for your company, what materials can I use to introduce your products to my customers?

Once you become an active dealer, you can print out applicable material from our web site to make a presentation to your potential customers. Showing them the unit itself and more importantly how it works (they'll be able to tell a difference in the air right away especially in the room where unit is placed) in most cases is sufficient to make a sale or at least get someone interested to learn more. Then, you can show them some of the material from our web site and of course leave one or more units in your prospect's house to have them really experience the benefits first-hand. We're currently redesigning and working on providing all active dealers with updated written presentation materials in the near future, however keep in mind that it will be just a tool, and ultimately it is not the materials that sell the machine. It is the machine that practically sells itself and all that dealer has to do is get it into the hands of his prospects to have them try it out. Sign-up for our Dealership Program now quickly and easily right on our web site and at NO charge!